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Section 3.1 Counting without Counting?

One of the earliest applications of mathematics you probably remember is how you could use number to count things. For many, this is what they think people do when they do mathematics. In this chapter, we will discover that it is possible to count items without actually listing them all.
T o illustrate, consider counting the number of ways one can arrange Peter, Paul, and Mary with the order important. Listing the possibilities:
  • Peter, Paul, Mary
  • Peter, Mary, Paul
  • Paul, Peter, Mary
  • Paul, Mary, Peter
  • Mary, Peter, Paul
  • Mary, Paul, Peter
So, it is easy to see that these are all of the possible outcomes and that the total number of such outcomes is 6. What happens however if we add Simone to the list?
  • Simone, Peter, Paul, Mary
  • Simone, Peter, Mary, Paul
  • Simone, Paul, Peter, Mary
  • Simone, Paul, Mary, Peter
  • Simone, Mary, Peter, Paul
  • Simone, Mary, Paul, Peter
  • Peter, Simone, Paul, Mary
  • Peter, Simone, Mary, Paul
  • Paul, Simone, Peter, Mary
  • Paul, Simone, Mary, Peter
  • Mary, Simone, Peter, Paul
  • Mary, Simone, Paul, Peter
  • Peter, Paul, Simone, Mary
  • Peter, Mary, Simone, Paul
  • Paul, Peter, Simone, Mary
  • Paul, Mary, Simone, Peter
  • Mary, Peter, Simone, Paul
  • Mary, Paul, Simone, Peter
  • Peter, Paul, Mary, Simone
  • Peter, Mary, Paul, Simone
  • Paul, Peter, Mary, Simone
  • Paul, Mary, Peter, Simone
  • Mary, Peter, Paul, Simone
  • Mary, Paul, Peter, Simone
Notice how the list quickly grows when just one more choice is added. This example illustrates how keeping track of the number of items in a set can quickly get impossible to manage unless we can use a more mathematical approach that allows you to count the number of possibilities without having to list them all.