Mathematical Modeling - Math 6570

Dr. John Travis

Mississippi College

Discuss the nuclear arms race model created in Chapter 1.  Students should pick a problem at the end of each section for homework.


Basics and Setting Up Framework

Modeling Procedure: pg 31 Modeling Approaches: pg 32 Scientific Method: page 38 Modeling Process: page 35 Remark: A major difference between the modeling process and the scientific method is the goal. The modeling process is designed to gather evidence to corroborate a model, not to confirm or deny it since we already know that it is most probably a simplification of the real problem. We are only trying to test its reasonableness. Sources of Errors: Measuring Errors: Class Discussion Problems: page 40-41

HOMEWORK: page 41 # 1-8

Review the "illustrative examples" on pages 41-47

HOMEWORK: Pick one of the projects on page 48


Modeling with Discrete Dynamical Systems

Remark: Things that are dynamical undergo change. In modeling change, we utilize the following paradigm:

future value = present value + change

or, by solving

future value - present value = change

Notice, we have change is a difference in value.

Measurement time frames:

Example: Modeling the Arms Race

Suppose we have two countries, X and Y, which are engaged in a nuclear arms race.


We will suppose each country adopts these strategies.

Create variables:

Creating y = f(x):

Continue in this manner and get a decreasing slope, piecewise-linear graph similar to Figure 1.7, pg 9. A continuous model for this graph (generalizing from cases 2 and 4) would be the function y = y0 / s x/y. This curve is strictly increasing (from earlier) and concave down. Indeed, using logarithms,

ln(y) = ln(y0) - x ln(s) / y, or

y ln(y) = y ln(y0) - x ln(s), or by differenting w.r.t. x,

y ( 1/y + ln(y) ) = y ' ln(y0) - ln(s), or

y = ln(s) / ( 1/y + ln(y) - ln(y0) ), or

y = ln(s) (y/y) / ( 1/y + ln(y) - ln(y0) )2, or

y = ln(s) / (-1 + ln(y0/y) ),

which is always negative since ln(s)<0, and ln(y0/y) < 0.

Note, the case for x=g(y) is symmetrical since X is employing the same strategy. See Figure 1.8, pg 10.

Therefore, since the curves are increasing and strictly concave down or up, respectively, then there is only one point of intersection, that is a place where both countries are satisfied with their strategies.

Dynamic Modeling: Consider the development of an arms race. Use the following situation:

Result: A Discrete Dynamical System for the Arms Race: with initial values x0 and y0 and parameters sx and sy given.

Differences: Given a sequence of numbers A = { a1, a2, a3, ... }

Unless we otherwise specify, we will utilize forward differences and write Dan = D+ an.

Example: Interest


Using Future value = Present Value + Interest Earned, yields the difference equation Example: A Home Mortgage

Notice, in this case the amount is changed each month not only by interest but also by payments

Using Future balance = Present balance + Interest owed - Periodic payment yields HOMEWORK: page 58 #2, 4, 6

Remark: Using change = future value - present value, an effective way to model change is using

Dan = f(a0, a1, ... , an)
for some sequence { an }.

Example: Population growth

Notice, k>0 implies increasing population, k<0 implies decreasing population. Hence, we get
Pn+1 = Pn + r Pn = Pn (1+r), or
This is exactly the same difference equation as that for Interest.

Example: Population growth with limited resources

Then, the above model could be modified so that the growth rate is dependent upong population size relative to the carrying capacity to yield:
Pn+1 = Pn + {r (M - Pn)/M} Pn , or
Multiplying this one out yields a difference equation which is nonlinear.

Numerical Solution: Develope a reasonable initial value and iterate the difference equation (actually using the equation that preceeded the equation) for as many values as desired. This can be compared to experimentally created test values to check for the model's validity. (See yeast example on page 63, Figure 3.8)

Example: Population growth with another competing species


With unlimited resources, the species won't compete and so will undergo change as before yielding With limited resources, the species will compete and will tend to slow down the growth rate depending upon the size of the other population. One such model: Example: Population growth with a varying prey species (Predator-prey)

As above, let Cn represent the prey species and Pn the predator species and assume the predator only eats prey. Further assume the following:

The product PnCn is large only if both Pn and Cn are large. So, a possible model reflecting these assumptions is:
Pn+1 = Pn + rp Pn + k1 PnCn, and similarly
Cn+1 = Cn + rc Cn - k2 PnCn, or
HOMEWORK: page 67 #1, 4, 6 (discuss the solution for various initial whale populations), 8, 11

Numerical Solutions for Dynamical Systems

Start with an initial value and iterate a sufficient number of subsequent values to determine the patterns involved. Then, redo the problem to see the effect of small changes in the data and any necessary parameters.  Generally, we can "solve" difference equations by simply iterating the equation for a sufficiently large number of terms.  Long-term behavior can often be predicted by noting any trends in these solutions.

Defn: An equilibrium value is a value for which a dynamical system remains constant.  This equilibrium is stable (or attracting) if there is a number e such that

|a0 - a| < e => an -> a
This equilibrium is unstable (or repelling) if there is a number e such that
0<|a0 - a| < e => |an - a| > e
for some but not necessarily all values of n.

Linear Dynamical Systems:

General System 1: Consider the sytem given by

Consider the parameter r:  What if:
r=0? Then an=0 for all n.
r>0? Then an is the same sign for all n
r<0? Then an oscillates in sign as n increases.
r=1? Then an=constant for all, an equilibrium value.
0<r<1? Then an->0 as n increases
r>1? Then |an|->oo as n increases
Are there any other equilibrium values? If so, then c = an = an+1 = r an = r c implies c=0 is an equilibrium and if r=1, then c = anything is also an equilibruim value.

General System 2: Consider the system given by

Theorem 3.2:  For General System 2 with nonzero b, if r=1, no equilibrium exists and the solution of the difference equation is a 2-cycle.  Otherwise, the system has an equilibrium of a=b / (1-r).  This equilibrium is stable provided |r| < 1 and unstable provided |r|>1.
Pf:  Certainly, if r=1 and b is nonzero, there is no equilibrium.
Indeed, if so, there would exist a value a = an for all n which would imply a = a + b or 0 = b.
If r is not equal to 1, an equilibrium exists <=> a = ra+b, for some a
            <=> a=b / (1-r), as desired.

Notice |a1 - a| = |ra0 + b - b / (1-r)| = |r| |a0 - a|.
Similarly, |a2 - a| = |ra1 + b - b / (1-r)| = ... = |r|2 |a0 - a|.
By induction, we get

|an - a| = |r|n |a0 - a|.
Therefore, if |r|<1, this converges to zero and we have a stable system.
If |r|>1, this diverges and we have a unstable system.
Nonlinear Systems:  These arise when the difference equation uses powers of an.  These are in general very difficult to solve and numerical methods for solving them must be utilized.

HOMEWORK: page 80 #2, 4, 8