Mathematics Seminar: Problem Solving

John Travis
MCC 206
925-3817 (voice mail) (email)

Textbook: None.  Materials will be presented on slides, passed out or available on this web site through the term.  We will also use some online materials related to the Putnam Exam.

Course Outline:  In this seminar, you will work in teams on a variety of interesting problems using all levels of mathematics.
This course counts as one hour of mathematics credit.

Prerequisite:  MAT 122 and Junior Standing

Meetings: This class meets as scheduled. You are expected to be in class on time. A student cannot miss more than 25% of the class meetings and receive credit for the course. Further, attendance will be necessary in order to understand the material and make a good grade. The student is responsible for work and material missed when absent. Cheating in any way will be properly rewarded according to University policy.

Grading:  Students will be expected to attend class, participate in classroom discussions and keep a written journal of the problems attempted both in and out of class.  The journal will be graded and count as half of the grade.  Classroom participation will be graded and count as the other half.  One-third of a letter grade will be dropped for each unexcused absence.