MAT 122 Textbook and other Instructional Materials: Calculus, 6th edition, by Larson, Hostetler and Edwards
A good calculator, preferably a graphing calculator such as the TI-82, is required for this class. Further, some prepared lecture notes will often be handed out by the instructor. Software built into these graphing calculators will be utilized extensively for classroom demonstrations. Further, a number of other software packages downloaded from the internet will be utilized to illustrate the concepts. Students will be able to access all classroom materials from the instructor's web site.
Web Resources:
Prerequisites: MAT 121 (Calculus
Course Outline: One may represent many real life situations in the form of an equation or a set of equations called a mathematical model. These models generally fall into two categories: discrete models and continuous models. Discrete models arise often in computing science and in business situations and solving them is the subject of classes such as Graph Theory and Operations Research. Continuous models arise most often in engineering and other scientific settings and solving them involves the use of Calculus. In Calculus I, you began a study of the basic tools needed for solving continuous models. The hammers, screwdrivers and saws developed in Calculus I will be needed again for Calculus II as well as Calculus III, IV and in fields ranging from Differential Equations to Probability and Statistics. Also, the mathematical maturity developed will be necessary for most upper division mathematics classes.
Course Goals: This term, the student will
demonstrate an understanding of the following concepts and methods:
Meetings: The format of class meetings will consist generally of lectures by the instructor. Student participation will be encouraged via classroom discussions as well as problem sessions where the student will present their work.
This class meets as scheduled. You are expected to be in class on time. University policy states that a student cannot miss more than 25% of the class meetings and receive credit for the course. Further, attendance will be necessary in order to understand the material and make a good grade. The student is responsible for work and material missed when absent.
Honesty and integrity are basic virtues expected of all students at Mississippi College. The Mississippi College Bulletin list the policies and penalties for plagiarism and cheating. On tests, quizzes, and individual out-of-class projects, the work is assumed to be the student's own and no cheating will be tolerated
Grading: There will be four exams during the semester plus a comprehensive final exam. Also, there will be a quiz grade coming from an average of daily short quizzes covering the assigned homework and a some assigned projects (time permitting). Any quizzes or projects missed will be awarded a grade of zero. Your final average will be computed by taking an average of the exam grades and the quiz grade.
Near the end of the term, an out-of-class, comprehensive makeup exam will be given for any student missing an exam(s) for an excused absence. There will be no makeups for quizzes.
The grading scale is
Aim now for the desired grade. Finally, all graded
work will be returned to the student for keeping. If there were any question
later about your grade, you would be expected to show these papers.
Any students with diagnosed disabilities are encouraged to contact Dr.
Buddy Wagner in the Counseling and Career Development office to determine
appropriate accommodations.