College Algebra

John Travis
MCC 206
925-3817 (voice mail) (email) 

MAT 101 PreTest | Textbook | Course Description | Course Meetings | Grading

MAT 101 Textbook: College Algebra, 12 th edition, Gustafson and Hughes

Prerequisites:  Suggested MATH ACT of at least 20.

Course Description: This course builds upon basic algebraic concepts.  It includes topics such as rational expressions, rational exponents, radicals, quadratic equations and inequalities, quadratic functions, graphing, systems of equations, and exponential and logarithmic functions.

This course provides opportunities for each student to engage in problem solving and make informed judgments, utilize informational and technological resources in a variety of environments, and conceptualize and solve numerical problems.  Successful completion of the course satisfies the Mathematics requirements of the Mississippi College Core Curriculum.

The course carries 3 hours of academic credit.

Learning Objectives. Upon completion of the course the student will demonstrate, time permitting, the ability to solve practical problems involving the following:

Meetings: The format of class meetings will consist of lectures by the instructor. Student participation will be encouraged via classroom discussions as well as problem sessions where the student will present their work.

This class meets as scheduled. You are expected to be in class on time.  University policy states that a student cannot miss more than 25% of class meetings and receive credit for the course. Further, attendance will be necessary in order to understand the material and make a good grade. The student is responsible for work and material missed when absent. Cheating in any way will be properly rewarded according to University policy.

If you need special accommodations due to learning, physical, psychological, or other disabilities, please contact the Counseling and Career Development Center.

Grading: There will be at least three exams during the semester. Also, there will be a homework grade coming from the online homework WeBWorK.

Near the end of the term, an out-of-class, comprehensive makeup exam will be given for any student missing one or more exams with an excused absence. There will be no makeups for missed homework grades although there may be extra credit problems given during the semester that students can complete to replace low quiz grades.

Your final average will be computed by taking an average of the exam grades and the homework grade. The grading scale is

Aim now for the desired grade.

All graded work will be returned to the student for keeping. If there are any question later about your grade, you would be expected to show these papers.